Fairest Lord Jesus chords

Transpose 0
[B]Fairest Lord [E]Jesu[B]s, [B]Ruler of all [E]natu[B]re
[B]O Thou of G[B]od and m[E]an [B]the [F#]Son
T[B]hee will I [G#]cher[C#m]ish, T[E]hee will I [F#]hon[B]or
Thou, [B]my soul's g[E]lory, [F#]joy and c[B]rown

[B]Fair are the [E]meado[B]ws, f[B]airer still the w[E]oodl[B]ands
[B]Robed in the b[B]looming g[E]arb [B]of s[F#]pring
[B]Jesus is [G#m]Fair[C#m]er, J[E]esus is [F#]pur[B]er
Who [B]makes the w[E]oeful h[F#]eart to s[B]ing

You are f[E]airer s[F#]till, t[B]oday
You are f[E]airer s[F#]till, t[B]oday
Precious J[E]esus, [F#]Lord, You a[G#m]re adored
As we w[A]orship, as we wo[F#]rship

[C#]Fair is the s[F#]uns[C#]hine, f[C#]airer still the [F#]moonli[C#]ght
[C#]And all the [C#]Twinkling [F#]star[C#]ry [G#]host
[C#]Jesus shines [Bb]brig[Ebm]hter, [F#]Jesus shines [G#]pur[C#]er
Than a[C#]ll the a[F#]ngels [G#]heaven can b[C#]oast

You are f[F#]airer s[G#]till, t[C#]oday
You are f[F#]airer s[G#]till, t[C#]oday
Precious J[F#]esus, L[G#]ord, You [Bbm]are adored
As we w[B]orship, as we [G#]worship

[C#]Beautiful S[F#]avi[C#]or, L[C#]ord of all [F#]nati[C#]ons
[C#]Son of [C#]God and [F#]Son [C#]of [G#]Man
[C#]Glory and [Bb]hon[Ebm]or, p[F#]raise, ad[G#]orat[C#]ion
Now [C#]and f[F#]orever [G#]more be [C#]Thine
Used chords