Facebook Friends chords

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Artist: Brad Paisley
[G]She was looking at shoes on Ama[D]zon
[Am]Her papa bad said find anyone
[D]She thought about the first boy that she loved
Just a couple clicks and there he w[G]as

[G]That night she sent a friend req[D]uest
[Am]The next day she sat down at her desk
[D]And four simple words "Hey, how you been'"
And she felt 17 aga[G]in

[C]And that's the thing about Facebook fri[G]ends
[D]It doesn't matter how long it's be[G]en
[C]Someone you never thought you'd e[G]ver see again
[D]And suddenly you're Facebook frie[G]nds

[G]They started out just catching u[D]p
[Am]That led to meeting him for lunch
[D]For long they're meeting in some bar
For long they're kissing in some ca[G]r
[C] [G]

And that's the thing about Facebook friends
[D]It doesn't matter how long it's be[G]en
[C]Someone you never thought you'd ever see ag[G]ain
[D]And suddenly you're Facebook frie[G]nds

[Em]Oh if there was anybody el[C]se
[G]She'd be sittin' In Jud[D]gement
[Em]Thinking they should be ashamed of thems[C]elves
[G]For God's sakes you've got a hus[D]band and a min[C]ivan
And this was not part of a pl[G]an
[G]She fantasized they'd start a new l[D]ife
[Am]He'd finnaly up and leave his wif[D]e
[D]But one day she turned her laptop on
And his whole profile page was go[G]ne
[C]And that's the thing about Facebook fri[G]ends
Used chords