Everything I Want To Do chords

Transpose 0
Capo: 3

| [G] [D] | [G] [D] | [G] [A] |

Every[D]thing I want to do,
I only w[A]ant to do with[D] you.
Every[D]thing I want to do,
I only w[A]ant to do with[D] you.

I will a[D]lways have a bed to s[G]leep on,
and there'll [D]always be a side for [G]you.
To let you [D]in to half my world, [G]
Baby, that's the l[D]east that I can [G]do,
And I don't [G]want to go to work,
unless you're t[D]here when I get back [G]home.
No, I don't [G]want to go to work,
unless you're t[D]here when I get back [G]home.
And if you're [D]not, then I won't [G]eat,
'cause I don't [D]want to eat al[G]one. [A]

Every[D]thing I want to do,
I only w[A]ant to do with[D] you.

Everything I want to do,
I only w[A]ant to do with[D] you.

I don't [D]ever want a house and g[G]arden
in the q[D]uiet of a dead end [G]town.
But if t[D]hat's what you requ[G]ire me,
then I'll w[D]ant to settle do[G]wn.
[G]And I don't want kids of mine
runnin' r[D]ound and raisin' h[G]ell.
[G]No, I don't want kids of mine
runnin' r[D]ound and raisin' h[G]ell.
But I don't c[D]are what my kids [G]do,
if they be[D]long to you as we[G]ll. [A]

Every[D]thing I want to do,
I only w[A]ant to do with[D] you.

Everything I want to do,
I only w[A]ant to do with[D] you.

So [C]come [G]with [D]me and [C]stay [G]with [D]me,
and [C]be with [D]me ev'rywhere I [G]go.
And [C]love [G]with [D]me and [C]live [G]with [D]me,
and [C]watch with [D]me as the garden g[G]rows.

I don't [D]ever want to be an [G]old man,
I don't [D]ever want to die a[G]lone,
to face the sh[D]adows of my life, [G]
but never n[D]ever on my own. [G]

Every[D]thing I want to do,
I only w[A]ant to do with[D] you.
Every[D]thing I want to do,
I only w[A]ant to do with[D] you.

Every[D]thing I want to do,
I only w[A]ant to do with[D] you.
Every[D]thing I want to do,
I only w[A]ant to do with[D] you.

| [D] | [A] [D] |
| [D] | [A] [D] |
| [D] | [A] [D] |
Used chords