Everybody Here Hates You chords

Transpose 0
[E] [A] [E]

I feel [E]stupid, I feel u[A]seless, I feel i[E]nsane
I feel [E]toothless, man you're r[A]uthless aw [E]yeah
I go to to [E]Loving Hut, I get my [A]hair cut, I feel th[E]e same
I feel p[E]utrid, I'm getting u[A]sed to it these d[E]ays

[E]You said "It's o[A]nly [E]in your head
they're p[B]rob[A]ably th[E]inking
t[A]he same t[B]hing"

I'm b[E]leeding, you're l[A]eaving, I feel [E]strange
You been d[E]istant, you seem d[A]ifferent than y[E]esterday
E[E]verybody hurts, e[A]verybody breaks and everyb[E]ody fades

We're gonna t[E]ell everyone it's o[A]kay
We're gonna t[E]ell everyone it's o[A]kay
We're gonna t[E]ell everyone, tell e[A]veryone, tell ever[E]yone, everyone it's ok[A]ay
We're gonna t[E]ell everyone, t[A]ell everyone, we're gonna t[E]ell everyone it's o[A]kay
We're gonna t[E]ell everyone, t[A]ell everyone, t[E]ell everyone it's o[A]kay


[E]You said "It's o[A]nly [E]in your head
they're p[B]roba[A]bly thi[E]nking
t[A]he same t[B]hing" [A]


E A E x4 ending on an E
Used chords