End Of Infinity chords

Trans. 0
you're si[D]ttingx there with your r[A]osex colored glasses
[Em]tryingx not to see what's right in f[G]rontx of you
[D]youx don't believe cause y[A]oux can't belive it
you say "so[Em]methingx this amazing just [G] xxx can't be true."
[D]howx can i prove that yo[A]u'rex not just a someone
you're eve[Em]rythingx i needed and i [G] xxx know for sure
and [D] ifx you do too that w[A]on'tx be a problem
but d[Em]on'tx you come a knocking
don't wait [G] upx at the door

go on and m[D]eetx me
at the [Em] endx of infinity
[G]i'llx be right beside you
and yo[A]u'llx be next to me tonight [D] xxx
yeah it's impossible but c[Em]an'tx you see
so are [G] wex my friends[A]xxx
so are we [D] xxx
at the [Em] endx of infinity
[G]i'llx be right beside you
and yo[A]u'llx be next to me tonight[D]xxx
yeah it's impossible but c[Em]an'tx you see
so are [G] wex my friends[A]xxx
so are we [D] xxx [Em] xxxx
so are we [G] xxx [A] xxx

so are we

so g[D]etx over here take o[A]ffx those shades
and s[Em]eexx the world like [G] ixx do
it m[D]ayx not be much com[A]eparedx to yours
but it's [Em] allx i've known
all i[G]'vex been through
[D]allx i've lost and a[A]llx i've found
and e[Em]verythingx i am[G]xxx
is p[D]utx inside this b[A]eautifulx mind
come f[Em]indx it if you c[G]anx

go on and m[D]eetx me
at the [Em] endx of infinity
[G]i'llx be right beside you
and yo[A]u'llx be next to me tonight [D] xxx
yeah it's impossible but c[Em]an'tx you see
so are [G] wex my friends[A]xxx
so are we [D] xxx
at the [Em] endx of infinity
[G]i'llx be right beside you
and yo[A]u'llx be next to me tonight[D]xxx
yeah it's impossible but c[Em]an'tx you see
so are [G] wex my friends[A]xxx
so are we [D] xxx [Em] xxxx
so are we [G] xxx [A] xxx

so are we

[D]you'rex the contsellation you're the pe[Em]rfectx star
if we tr[G]avelx together we can tr[A]avelx far
[D]you'rex the contsellation you're the pe[Em]rfectx star
if we tr[G]avelx together we can tr[A]avelx far
[D]you'rex the contsellation you're the pe[Em]rfectx star
if we tr[G]avelx together we can tr[A]avelx far
[D]you'rex the contsellation you're the pe[Em]rfectx star
if we tr[G]avelx together we can tr[A]avelx far

go on and m[D]eetx me
at the [Em] endx of infinity
[G]i'llx be right beside you
and yo[A]u'llx be next to me tonight [D] xxx
yeah it's impossible but c[Em]an'tx you see
so are [G] wex my friends[A]xxx
so are we [D] xxx
at the [Em] endx of infinity
[G]i'llx be right beside you
and yo[A]u'llx be next to me tonight[D]xxx
yeah it's impossible but c[Em]an'tx you see
so are [G] wex my friends[A]xxx
so are we [D] xxx [Em] xxxx
so are we [G] xxx [A] xxx

so are we
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