Emmanuel chords

Trans. 0
(African Drums…)
[C] [C] [C] Haya yawo J[C]esu [C]
Haya yawo Je[C]su

|G |F |G |Am |G C |F C|Dm F |F C |

We d[C]im the light
We s[F]toke the f[C]ire
We b[C]reathe the evergr[Dm]een
[Am]Young ones [G#]wait
While the o[G]ld ones [F#]make up
Ta[G]les of how i[Am]t used to b[D]e

[C]China dolls
Ca[F]ndy c[C]orn
Pa[C]inted wooden t[D]oys
[Am]Treasures f[G#]ound
To the w[G]ondrous [F#]soun[F]d
Of caro[G]ling the Sa[Am]vior
[Dm]Born to u[F]s on Chri[C]stmas mo[C]rn

Em[G]ma-nuel, G[F]od with us
Em[G]ma-nu-el [Am]
Em[G]ma-nuel Go[F]d with us
Th[Dm]e son of [F]I-sr[C]ael

[C]Still he calls
[F]Through the [C]night
[C]Beyond the days of [D]old
A [Am]voice of pe[G#]ace
To the w[F#]eary ones [G]who
st[G]ruggle with the h[Am]uman soul

[C]All of us
[C]Through a gi-ven [D]time
[Am]Who can [G#]know
What t[G]omorrow h[F#]olds?
But o[G]ver the hori[Am]zon
[Dm]Surely you and[F] I will [C]find

E[G]mma-nuel, G[F]od with us
E[G]mma-nu[Am] -el
[G]Emma-nuel G[F]od with us
The s[Dm]on of [F]I-sr[C]ael

And the [Em]years they [G#]come
And the [Am]years they go
Though we [Em]may forget s[G#]omeh[Am]ow
That the c[Dm]hild once bo[G]rn in Bet[C]hlehem
[E]Is still a[F]mong us n[E]ow

|G |F |G |Am |G C |F Em|Dm F |F C |C |

E[G]mma-nuel, G[F]od with us
E[G]mma-nu[Am] -el
[G]Emma-nuel G[F]od with us
The s[Dm]on of [F]I-sr[C]ael

The s[Dm]on of [F]I-sr[C]ael

|G Em|F |G |Am |G C |F |Dm F |F C |

[C]Haya yawo Jesu
[C]Haya yawo Jesu
[C]Haya yawo Jesu
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