Elfs Lament chords
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[Dm7] ; xx0211
[G7] ; 320001
[C] ; x32010
[Am7] ; x02010
[C7] ; x32310
[Dm7]/[C] ; xxx565
[G/D] ; xxx787
[C/E] ; xxx988
[Am/C] ; xxx555
[E/B] ; xxx454
[E7] ; 020100
[Dsus2] ; xx0230
[Cadd9] ; x30030
[G/B] ; x20033
[G] ; 320033
[Csus4] ; x33010
[G6]/[B] ; x20030
A#6b5: x10030
Fmaj13: 100010
[Em7] ; 020030 (or possibly 030030)
[Dm] ; xx0231
[Dm7] [G7] [C] [Am7]
[Dm7] [G7] [C] [C7]
[Dm7]/[C] [G/D] [C/E] [Am/C]
I'm a man of reason, and they say 'tis the season
[Dm7]/[C] [G/D] [C/E] [E/B]
To be jolly, but it's folly when you volley for position
[Dm7]Never in exi[G7]stence has there bee[C]n such a res[Am7]istance
To id[Dm7]eas meant to fre[G7]e us, if you could se[C]e us then you'd list[E7]en
[Dm7]Toiling through the a[G7]ges making toys[C] on garnished w[Am7]ages
There's no u[Dm7]nion, we're only thr[G7]ough when we outd[C]o the competit[E7]ion
[Dm7]I m[G7]ake [C]toys but I've got a[C7]spirations
[Dm7]Make s[G7]ome no[C]ise, use your im[C7]agination
[Dm7]Girls [G7]and b[C]oys, before you wi[C7]sh for
What you wi[Dm7]sh for, there's a l[G7]ist for who's been
[Dsus2]Naughty or [Cadd9]nice, but con[G/B]sider the [G]price to an [C]elf[Csus4] [C] N.C.
A [Dm7]full indentured se[G7]rvitude can r[C]eflect on one's [Am7]attitude
But [Dm7]that silly red [G7]hat just makes the fa[C]t man look outra[E7]geous
Ab[Dm7]surd though it may [G7]seem, you know I've [C]heard there's even b[Am7]een
Illegal d[Dm7]oping, and though we're c[G7]oping, I just h[C]ope it's not contag[E7]ious
You [Dm7]try to start a m[G7]ovement and you thin[C]k you see impr[Am7]ovement
But when thr[Dm7]own into the mo[G7]ment, we just do[C]n't seem so cour[E7]ageous
[Dm7]I m[G7]ake [C]toys but I've got a[C7]spirations
[Dm7]Make s[G7]ome no[C]ise, use your im[C7]agination
[Dm7]Girls [G7]and b[C]oys, before you wi[C7]sh for
What you wi[Dm7]sh for, there's a l[G7]ist for who's been
[Dsus2]Naughty or [Cadd9]nice, but con[G/B]sider the [G]price to an [Cadd9]elf
You look at yourself, you're an elf
A#6b5 A7sus4 [Fmaj13]
And the shelf is just filled with disappointing memories
[Cadd9] [G6]/[B] A#6b5
Trends come and go, and your friends wanna know
Why you aren't just h[A7sus4]appy making cr[Fmaj13]appy little giz[Em7]mos
Every[Dm] kid knows they'll just thr[G]ow this stuff aw[Csus4]ay [C] N.C.
We're [Dm7]used to repet[G7]ition so we dre[C]w up a pet[Am7]ition
We the u[Dm7]ndersigned feel u[G7]ndermined, let's r[C]edefine employm[E7]ent
We [Dm7]know that we've got le[G7]verage, so we'll h[C]and the fat man a b[Am7]everage
He'll sit b[Dm7]ack while we att[G7]ack the utter la[C]ck of our enjoym[E7]ent
It [Dm7]may be tough to swa[G7]llow, but our th[C]reats are far from ho[Am7]llow
He may thu[Dm7]nder, but if he blu[G7]nders he may [C]wondN.C.
er where the toys [E7]went
[Dm7]I m[G7]ake [C]toys but I've got a[C7]spirations
[Dm7]Make s[G7]ome no[C]ise, use your im[C7]agination
[Dm7]Girls [G7]and b[C]oys, before you wi[C7]sh for
What you wi[Dm7]sh for, there's a l[G7]ist for who's been
[Dsus2]Naughty or [Cadd9]nice, but con[G/B]sider the [G]price
[Dsus2]Naughty or [Cadd9]nice, but con[G/B]sider the [G]price
[Dsus2]Naughty or [Cadd9]nice, but con[G/B]sider the [G]price N.C.
to an elf[C]
[G7] ; 320001
[C] ; x32010
[Am7] ; x02010
[C7] ; x32310
[Dm7]/[C] ; xxx565
[G/D] ; xxx787
[C/E] ; xxx988
[Am/C] ; xxx555
[E/B] ; xxx454
[E7] ; 020100
[Dsus2] ; xx0230
[Cadd9] ; x30030
[G/B] ; x20033
[G] ; 320033
[Csus4] ; x33010
[G6]/[B] ; x20030
A#6b5: x10030
Fmaj13: 100010
[Em7] ; 020030 (or possibly 030030)
[Dm] ; xx0231
[Dm7] [G7] [C] [Am7]
[Dm7] [G7] [C] [C7]
[Dm7]/[C] [G/D] [C/E] [Am/C]
I'm a man of reason, and they say 'tis the season
[Dm7]/[C] [G/D] [C/E] [E/B]
To be jolly, but it's folly when you volley for position
[Dm7]Never in exi[G7]stence has there bee[C]n such a res[Am7]istance
To id[Dm7]eas meant to fre[G7]e us, if you could se[C]e us then you'd list[E7]en
[Dm7]Toiling through the a[G7]ges making toys[C] on garnished w[Am7]ages
There's no u[Dm7]nion, we're only thr[G7]ough when we outd[C]o the competit[E7]ion
[Dm7]I m[G7]ake [C]toys but I've got a[C7]spirations
[Dm7]Make s[G7]ome no[C]ise, use your im[C7]agination
[Dm7]Girls [G7]and b[C]oys, before you wi[C7]sh for
What you wi[Dm7]sh for, there's a l[G7]ist for who's been
[Dsus2]Naughty or [Cadd9]nice, but con[G/B]sider the [G]price to an [C]elf[Csus4] [C] N.C.
A [Dm7]full indentured se[G7]rvitude can r[C]eflect on one's [Am7]attitude
But [Dm7]that silly red [G7]hat just makes the fa[C]t man look outra[E7]geous
Ab[Dm7]surd though it may [G7]seem, you know I've [C]heard there's even b[Am7]een
Illegal d[Dm7]oping, and though we're c[G7]oping, I just h[C]ope it's not contag[E7]ious
You [Dm7]try to start a m[G7]ovement and you thin[C]k you see impr[Am7]ovement
But when thr[Dm7]own into the mo[G7]ment, we just do[C]n't seem so cour[E7]ageous
[Dm7]I m[G7]ake [C]toys but I've got a[C7]spirations
[Dm7]Make s[G7]ome no[C]ise, use your im[C7]agination
[Dm7]Girls [G7]and b[C]oys, before you wi[C7]sh for
What you wi[Dm7]sh for, there's a l[G7]ist for who's been
[Dsus2]Naughty or [Cadd9]nice, but con[G/B]sider the [G]price to an [Cadd9]elf
You look at yourself, you're an elf
A#6b5 A7sus4 [Fmaj13]
And the shelf is just filled with disappointing memories
[Cadd9] [G6]/[B] A#6b5
Trends come and go, and your friends wanna know
Why you aren't just h[A7sus4]appy making cr[Fmaj13]appy little giz[Em7]mos
Every[Dm] kid knows they'll just thr[G]ow this stuff aw[Csus4]ay [C] N.C.
We're [Dm7]used to repet[G7]ition so we dre[C]w up a pet[Am7]ition
We the u[Dm7]ndersigned feel u[G7]ndermined, let's r[C]edefine employm[E7]ent
We [Dm7]know that we've got le[G7]verage, so we'll h[C]and the fat man a b[Am7]everage
He'll sit b[Dm7]ack while we att[G7]ack the utter la[C]ck of our enjoym[E7]ent
It [Dm7]may be tough to swa[G7]llow, but our th[C]reats are far from ho[Am7]llow
He may thu[Dm7]nder, but if he blu[G7]nders he may [C]wondN.C.
er where the toys [E7]went
[Dm7]I m[G7]ake [C]toys but I've got a[C7]spirations
[Dm7]Make s[G7]ome no[C]ise, use your im[C7]agination
[Dm7]Girls [G7]and b[C]oys, before you wi[C7]sh for
What you wi[Dm7]sh for, there's a l[G7]ist for who's been
[Dsus2]Naughty or [Cadd9]nice, but con[G/B]sider the [G]price
[Dsus2]Naughty or [Cadd9]nice, but con[G/B]sider the [G]price
[Dsus2]Naughty or [Cadd9]nice, but con[G/B]sider the [G]price N.C.
to an elf[C]
Used chords