Eleanor chords
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I was [C#] wastedx on the [G#] triggerx
in the[A#m] river,x I was [F#] waitingx
I was[C#] wanting,x never [G#] wantingx
what I[A#m] couldx not yet be[F#]comex
Let the[C#] seax change, let's re[G#]memberx
all the[A#m] goodx I did the [F#] endingx
was no[C#] morex than spare re[G#]pentancex
This is[A#m] nothingx like my [F#] homex
On the[C#] table,x I was [G#] readyx
Blood it[A#m] glistened,x gods they [F#] listenedx
Running[C#] wildx after [G#] chalicex
just to[A#m] letxx them take me [F#] onxx
See the[C#] whirlingx of the s[G#]kylightsx
Beasts surr[A#m]oundx me, all aro[F#]undx me
Trains pull[C#] outx from under [G#] mantlesx
just to[A#m] listenx with us [F#] allx
And with[A#m] coloursx capti[G#]vatingx
Elean[F#]orxx stood cold and waiting
She was[A#m] bathingx me in b[G#]lessingsx
that conf[F#]rontedx as I cried
See the[A#m] wholex of me ig[G#]nitingx
Clever[F#] handsx with brushes biting
Cross the[A#m] riverx to the to[G#]wersx
with re[F#]mainsx of every sacrifice inside
Oh my[C#] preciousx demon [G#] darlingsx
come to[A#m] holdx me, death unf[F#]oldx me
Colour[C#] movex me to the [G#] chambersx
where I[A#m] knowx I'll feel al[F#]ivex
Dance in[C#] circles,x atop [G#] grassesx
Crossing[A#m] over,x lo be[F#]holdx her
in the[C#] placesx of our [G#] reachesx
where the[A#m] beastsx upset their [F#] livesx
But the[C#] waterx ceased to [G#] bargainx
We are[A#m] strandedx where we've [F#] landedx
Break the[C#] cycle,x take us [G#] backx
to where we[A#m] feelx we need to [F#] bexx
Watching[C#] careful,x the com[G#]pletionx
of the[A#m] cosmos,x where the z[F#]ygotex
Sleeping[C#] soundx now that I've [G#] foundx
my dearest[A#m] friendx outside my [F#] doorx
Bound for[A#m] newxx life, masons thu[G#]nderx
East is[F#] over,x West is under
Found the[A#m] humxx of drag race run[G#]nersx
Comfort[F#] flaringx in my sheets
Now we'll[A#m] headx back up to M[G#]onmouthx
where the[F#] kidsx are seldom honest
Cross the[A#m] borders,x past the [G#] trainyardsx
I will[F#] enterx just to breathe
But the[A#m] timex will come for l[G#]oversx
We will[F#] cradlex one another
We will[A#m] wanderx past the di[G#]stancex
from our[F#] merryx mouths to [F#] meetx
A#m, G#, C#, (single note: C, C#)
in the
I was
what I
Let the
all the
was no
This is
On the
Blood it
just to
See the
Beasts surr
Trains pull
just to
And with
She was
that conf
See the
Cross the
with re
Oh my
come to
where I
Dance in
in the
where the
But the
We are
Break the
to where we
of the
my dearest
Bound for
East is
Found the
Now we'll
where the
Cross the
I will
But the
We will
We will
from our
A#m, G#, C#, (single note: C, C#)