Eleanor chords

Trans. 0
I was [C#] wastedx on the [G#] triggerx
in the [A#m] river,x I was [F#] waitingx
I was [C#] wanting,x never [G#] wantingx
what I [A#m] couldx not yet be[F#]comex
Let the [C#] seax change, let's re[G#]memberx
all the [A#m] goodx I did the [F#] endingx
was no [C#] morex than spare re[G#]pentancex
This is [A#m] nothingx like my [F#] homex

On the [C#] table,x I was [G#] readyx
Blood it [A#m] glistened,x gods they [F#] listenedx
Running [C#] wildx after [G#] chalicex
just to [A#m] letxx them take me [F#] onxx
See the [C#] whirlingx of the s[G#]kylightsx
Beasts surr[A#m]oundx me, all aro[F#]undx me
Trains pull [C#] outx from under [G#] mantlesx
just to [A#m] listenx with us [F#] allx

And with [A#m] coloursx capti[G#]vatingx
Elean[F#]orxx stood cold and waiting
She was [A#m] bathingx me in b[G#]lessingsx
that conf[F#]rontedx as I cried
See the [A#m] wholex of me ig[G#]nitingx
Clever [F#] handsx with brushes biting
Cross the [A#m] riverx to the to[G#]wersx
with re[F#]mainsx of every sacrifice inside

Oh my [C#] preciousx demon [G#] darlingsx
come to [A#m] holdx me, death unf[F#]oldx me
Colour [C#] movex me to the [G#] chambersx
where I [A#m] knowx I'll feel al[F#]ivex
Dance in [C#] circles,x atop [G#] grassesx
Crossing [A#m] over,x lo be[F#]holdx her
in the [C#] placesx of our [G#] reachesx
where the [A#m] beastsx upset their [F#] livesx

But the [C#] waterx ceased to [G#] bargainx
We are [A#m] strandedx where we've [F#] landedx
Break the [C#] cycle,x take us [G#] backx
to where we [A#m] feelx we need to [F#] bexx
Watching [C#] careful,x the com[G#]pletionx
of the [A#m] cosmos,x where the z[F#]ygotex
Sleeping [C#] soundx now that I've [G#] foundx
my dearest [A#m] friendx outside my [F#] doorx

Bound for [A#m] newxx life, masons thu[G#]nderx
East is [F#] over,x West is under
Found the [A#m] humxx of drag race run[G#]nersx
Comfort [F#] flaringx in my sheets
Now we'll [A#m] headx back up to M[G#]onmouthx
where the [F#] kidsx are seldom honest
Cross the [A#m] borders,x past the [G#] trainyardsx
I will [F#] enterx just to breathe
But the [A#m] timex will come for l[G#]oversx
We will [F#] cradlex one another
We will [A#m] wanderx past the di[G#]stancex
from our [F#] merryx mouths to [F#] meetx

A#m, G#, C#, (single note: C, C#)
Used chords
C# X
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G# X
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A#m X
❮    Position    ❯
❮    Tone    ❯
F# X
❮    Position    ❯
❮    Tone    ❯
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