Dive Bar chords
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Well turn that b[G]ottlex up and drink it. Crank that jukebox up and Hank it Bart[C]ender,x pour another rou[G]nd.x
Here's to our best bad decisions Situation no conditions. Oh and[A7] memoriesx we all need to dro[D7]wnxx
So fill your[G] cup,x Raise it up. Jump in and join the club And float this w[C]hiskeyx river reserv[A7]oir.x
We're gonna spend the we[G]ekendx in the d[D]eepx end of a d[C]ivex b[G]arx
'Cause up in h[G]erex you're not the only loved and left her lost and lonely one who's e[C]verx swam against the t[G]idex
Thinkin' this is your oasis It's the safest of the places That a b[A7]rokenx heart can find to h[D7]idex
So here's a t[G]oastx coast to coast With a big old adios to wishes w[C]astedx on them falling s[A7]tarsx
We're gonna spend the we[G]ekendx in the de[D]epx end of a d[C]ivex b[G]arx
Yeah it's just c[B7]hapterx after chapter of happy never after
But that's j[Em]ustx the way the story goes
For some bar[A7] stoolx believers Wear our heart out on our sleevers
Just going where the neon glo[D] wsx
[C] xxx [C] xxx [G] xxx [A7] xxxx [D] xxx [Em] xxxx [A7] xxxx
Yeah it's just c[B7]hapterx after chapter of happy never after
But that's j[Em]ustx the way the story goes
Yeah we're just n[A7]everx quite belongers Hanger on-ers way too longers
Just buzzing where the neon g[D]lowsx
[G]Problems,x we all got 'em Let 'em sink down to the bottom
Doesn't[C] matterx who or where you a[A7]rexx
We're gonna spend the w[G]eekendx in the d[D]eepx end
The wa[G]ter'sx fine, ya'll so just c[C]omex on in
To the d[G]eepx end [D] xxx of a d[C]ivex [G] barx
Of this D[C]ivex b[G]arx
We’re talkin bout a D[C]ivex B[G]arx
Well turn that b
Here's to our best bad decisions Situation no conditions. Oh and
So fill your
We're gonna spend the we
'Cause up in h
Thinkin' this is your oasis It's the safest of the places That a b
So here's a t
We're gonna spend the we
Yeah it's just c
But that's j
For some bar
Just going where the neon glo
Yeah it's just c
But that's j
Yeah we're just n
Just buzzing where the neon g
We're gonna spend the w
The wa
To the d
Of this D
We’re talkin bout a D