Devil Take The Hindmost chords
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[Fm]Lookx at you, [Bbm6/F] deepxxxx in debt,
[C7/F]Stinkingx drunk, p[Fm]itiful.x
[Fm]Shallx we two [Bbm6/F] makexxxx a bet?
[C7]Devilx take the [Fm] hindmost.x
[Fm]Lookx at you, [Bbm6/F] foulxxxx as sin...
[C7]Hideous!x Horrib[Fm]le!x
[Fm]Callx the stak[Bbm6/F]es,xxxxx deal me in,
[C7]Devilx take the h[Fm]indmost.x
[Fm]Ourx Christine shall choose tonight. ((Raoul) Let her choose!)
[Fm]Isxx she yours or [Db7/F] mine?xx ((Raoul) Draw the line!)
[Fm]Ifxx she sings, you lose tonight. ((Raoul) I won't lose.)
[C7]Youx leave from here.( (Raoul) Fine!)
[Fm]Disappear!x ((Raoul) Fine!)
And[Fm] ifxx she won't? [Bbm6/F] Ifxxxxxx I win?
[C7/F]Allxxx your debts [Fm] wipedx away.
[Fm]Veryx well. [Bbm6/F] Let'sxxx begin!
[C7]Devilx take the [Fm] hindmost!x
(1st line - the Phantom; 2nd line - Raoul)
[Fm] Ourx old game, [Bbm6/F] it'sxxxx been changed.
You think you have the odds.You think you're in control. You
[C7/F]Ev'ryx throw [Fm] riskierx
think you've fixed the dice. Well, I will gladly roll. I'll
[Fm]Allx the rules [Bbm/F] rearrangedx
bet against the house, I'll even double down
[C7]Fatex has rede[Fm]signedx most
fortune's on my side! I
[Fm]Cutx the deck, [Bbm6/F] Letxxxxx us play
won her long ago, I won her from you then, I
[C7]Youx and I, [Fm] oncex again
wager even now, I'll win her back again. And
I[Fm]nxxx the end, [Bbm7] Eitherx way
when the game is done...
[C7]Devilx take the [Fm] hindmostx
[Fm] Nowx Christine shall [G/F] choosex at last,
[Fm]Isxx she yours or [G7/F] mine?x
[Fm] xxxx [Db7/F] xxxxxxx (or Db5)
We've a son, our bonds secure
[C7]Arex you sure? ((Raoul) What?)
[Fm]Arex you so sure? ((Raoul)What do you mean?)
[Gm]Suchx a child... [Cm6] Strangex to see...
[D7]Different...x [Gm] Musical...x
[Gm] Isxx he more [Eb] youx or [Cm6] me?xx
[D7] Whichx one do you [Gm] findx most? ((Raoul) You lie!)
(1st line - the Phantom; 2nd line - Raoul)
[Gm]Dealx the cards, [Cm/G] letxxx them fall!
I call your bluff! The game is on!
[D7/G]Choosex your hand, [Gm] tryx your best!
And we will see who wins out,
[Gm]Hexx who wins,
Once and for all
[Cm]Winsx it all!
[D7]Devilx take the [Gm] hindmost!x
(1st line - the Phantom; 2nd line - Raoul)
[Gm]Dealx the cards, [Cm/G] letxxx them fall!
I call your bluff! The game is on!
[D7/G]Choosex your hand, [Gm] tryx your best!
And we will see who wins out,
[Gm]Hexx who wins,
Once and for all
[Cm]Winsx it all!!!
[D7]Devilx take the hindmost!
[Phantom (spoken)]
[Gm]Shex walks - [Cm/G] youxxx leave together!
[D7] xxxx Pockets full. [Gm] xxxx Debts paid.
[Gm] xxxx She sings. [Cm6] xxxxx .. you leave alone...
(starts to sing)
[N.C.]Devil take the hindmost...
(1st line - the Phantom; 2nd line - Raoul)
You think you have the odds.You think you're in control. You
think you've fixed the dice. Well, I will gladly roll. I'll
bet against the house, I'll even double down
fortune's on my side! I
won her long ago, I won her from you then, I
wager even now, I'll win her back again. And
when the game is done...
We've a son, our bonds secure
(1st line - the Phantom; 2nd line - Raoul)
I call your bluff! The game is on!
And we will see who wins out,
Once and for all
(1st line - the Phantom; 2nd line - Raoul)
I call your bluff! The game is on!
And we will see who wins out,
Once and for all
[Phantom (spoken)]
(starts to sing)
[N.C.]Devil take the hindmost...
Used chords