Country Gentlemans Wife chords

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Artist: Alan Hull
I o[D]nce met a country gen[A]tleman's wife
who [Bm]told me of e[F#m]v'rything she ow[D]ned. [Bm]
Show sho[D]wed me her diamond brace[A]lets
and ta[Bm]lked about [E7]her stately h[A7]ome.
And a[G]ll thru the c[A]onvers[D]ation [Bm]
her h[G]and was [Em]on my k[A7]nee,
but o[Bm]h no co[G]untry ge[D]ntleman's wi[E7]fe
is go[G]nna get pos[A]session of m[D]e.

She t[D]old me her country g[A]entleman
was [Bm]hardly [F#m]ever at h[D]ome [Bm]
and [D]if I would like to c[A]all on her
she'd m[Bm]ake sure [E7]we were al[A7]one.
And if [G]I liked we co[A]uld have s[D]upper [Bm]
with spa[G]rklin[Em]g champ[A7]agne,
but [Bm]oh no co[G]untry ge[D]ntleman's wi[E7]fe
is go[G]nna get [A]me for g[D]ame.

She t[D]old me her country ge[A]ntleman
was s[Bm]ixty f[F#m]ive years o[D]ld, [Bm]
and a[D]s she was only t[A]hirty one
her b[Bm]ed at n[E7]ight was col[A7]d.
And if [G]I would l[A]ike to w[D]arm it u[Bm]p
she'd sh[G]ower me [Em]with gra[A7]titude,
but [Bm]oh no co[G]untry ge[D]ntleman's wi[E7]fe
is g[G]onna get [A]me in the nu[D]de.

I s[D]aid I was a man with prin[A]ciples
and re[Bm]spected the ma[F#m]rriage v[D]ows,[Bm]
but i[D]f she really wa[A]nted to
she m[Bm]ight per[E7]suade me so[A7]mehow
for o[G]ne square m[A]eal of e[D]very day[Bm]
an unlim[G]ited sup[Em]ply of b[A7]ooze,
and a[Bm]ny old c[G]ountry g[D]entleman's [E7]wife
can d[G]o anyt[A]hing they cho[D]ose,
and a[Bm]ny old c[G]ountry g[D]entleman's [E7]wife
can d[G]o anyt[A]hing they cho[D]ose,
Used chords