Counting The Hours chords

Trans. 0
Intro: B5, C5, A5, G5

[B5]No streets to cry at night
[C5]For change to come about
[A5]We've finally worn out our welcome [G5]
[B5]And we plague the cities with disease
[C5]And we breed too many mouths to feed
[A5]It's no surprise I'd like to see it all w[F#5]ash away [G5]

So let the s[B5]torm rage up
With inf[C5]inite power
Yet I'[A5]ll stand strong
Just cou[F#5]nting t[G5]he hours
Like no[B5]thing's wrong
While the ci[C5]ty's devoured
The sto[A5]rm rolls on, in thes[F#5]e final ho[G5]urs

[B5]It's too late despite our regrets
[C5]We deserve everything we get
[A5]And I cant wait for the rain
I[F#5] invite the ear[G5]thquakes to hurricanes
[B5]And I love the moments just like this
[C5]Where the walls come down, and the chaos hits
[A5]There's nothing like an apocalypse to o[F#5]pen your eyes [G5]

So let the s[B5]torm rage up
With inf[C5]inite power
Yet I'[A5]ll stand strong
Just cou[F#5]nting the[G5] hours
Like no[B5]thing's wrong
While the ci[C5]ty's devoured
The sto[A5]rm rolls on, in thes[F#5]e final h[G5]ours


[B5](Let it destroy everything)
[C5](Don't wanna save anything)
[B5]And I don't care
If I [C5]watch the ocean swallow everythi[A5]ng
[F#5]I welcome the c[G5]hange
[B5]I'm so sick of this complete i[C5]gnorance
Don't care who[A5] survives
[F#5]Cause I'll be f[G5]ine.

So let the s[B5]torm rage up
With inf[C5]inite power
Yet I'[A5]ll stand strong
Just cou[F#5]nting the ho[G5]urs
Like no[B5]thing's wrong
While the ci[C5]ty's devoured
The sto[A5]rm rolls on, in thes[F#5]e fin[G5]al hours
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