Copycat chords

Transpose 0
[Em]Don't be cautious, [Bm]don't be kind
[A]You committed, [Bm]I'm your crime
[Em]Push my button [Bm]anytime
You got your finger on the trigger, but your trigger finger's mine
[Verse 2]

[Em]Silver dollar, gold[Bm]en flame
[A]Dirty water, po[Bm]ison rain
[Em]Perfect murder,[Bm] take your aim
I don't belong to anyone, but everybody knows my name
[Em] By t[Ebaug]he way,[Em] you've bee[Ebaug]n uninvited
[Em] 'Cause all [Ebaug]you sa[Em]y are all th[Ebaug]e same things I did
[Em]Copycat trying to [Am]cop my m[Bm]anner
[Em]Watch your back when you c[Am]an't watch m[Bm]ine
[Em]Copycat trying to [Am]cop my g[Bm]lamour
[Em]Why so sad, bunny [Am]can't have m[Bm]ine?
[Em]Call me calloused, [Bm]call me cold
[Am]You're italic, I[Bm]'m in bold
[Em]Call me cocky, [Bm]watch your tone
You better love me, 'cause you're just a clone
[Em] By t[Ebaug]he way,[Em] you've bee[Ebaug]n uninvited
[Em] 'Cause all [Ebaug]you sa[Em]y are all th[Ebaug]e same things I did
[Em]Copycat trying to [Am]cop my m[Bm]anner
[Em]Watch your back when you c[Am]an't watch m[Bm]ine
[Em]Copycat trying to [Am]cop my g[Bm]lamour
[Em]Why so sad, bunny? [Am]can't have m[Bm]ine?
[Em]I would hate to see you go
[Bm]Hate to be the one that told you so
[Am]You just crossed the line
[C]You've run out of time
[Em]I'm so sorry, now you know
[Bm]Sorry I'm the one that told you so
[Am]Sorry, sorry, I[C]'m sorry, sorry

[Em] By t[Ebaug]he way,[Em] you've bee[Ebaug]n uninvited
[Em] 'Cause all [Ebaug]you sa[Em]y are all th[Ebaug]e same things I did


[Em]Copycat trying to [Am]cop my m[Bm]anner
[Em]Watch your back when you c[Am]an't watch m[Bm]ine
[Em]Copycat trying to [Am]cop my g[Bm]lamour
[Em]Why so sad, bunny? [Am]can't have m[Bm]ine?
Used chords