Come To Brazil chords

Transpose 0

[C] [G] [Am] [Em] [Am] [Em] [F] [G] [C]


[C]I think she considers me an [G]acquired taste with a [Am]short shelf l[Em]ife
like an [Am]aging p[Em]rodigy desperate [F]for a [G]discov[C]ery
[C]So I’m looking through my ol[G]d notebooks trying [Am]to find a f[Em]eeling
I recall[Am] to be [Em]appealing [F]early [G]in my [C]life


[F]When they told [G]me about [C]salvation (na na na)
[F]I told them the[G]y were wr[C]ong (na na na)
[F]but as I s[G]tand here s[C]haking
[F]oh I pray [G]I’m not [C]alone


[C]I know what I’m a[G]bout to say makes me s[Am]ound like such a[Em] jerk,
and I kn[Am]ew what she was [Em]thinking so I [F]walked o[G]ut of the [C]door.
[C]Now I’m thumbing through my [G]contact list, t[Am]rying to find a [Em]friend to call
I dial [Am]Matt Ag[Em]rella and it goes s[F]traight to [G]voice [C]mail


[F]So I drove down[G] to the N[C]aples Pier
[F]and I walked out [G]to the [C]end
[F]I took a picture I’ve [G]taken a t[C]housand times
[F]and drove [G]back home a[C]gain


[F]When they told [G]me about [C]salvation (na na na)
[F]I told them the[G]y were wr[C]ong (na na na)
[F]but as I s[G]tand here s[C]haking
[F]oh I pray [G]I’m not [C]alone
[F]yes I pray[G] I’m not[C] alone


[F]She asked me once [C]again if I’m [G]losing my [C]interest
[F]I think perhaps that q[C]uestion is for [G]you my d[C]ear
[F]Cuz I love you [G]more than I [C]ever have and I [G]don’t want to [C]believe
[F]that one of [G]us is d[C]rifting and [F]this time [G]it isn’t [C]me


[C] [G] [Am] [Em] [Am] [Em] [F] [G] [C]

(on some acoustic versions Chris plays the chords from the chorus)


[F]When they told [G]me about [C]salvation (na na na)
[F]I told them the[G]y were wr[C]ong (na na na)
[F]but as I s[G]tand here s[C]haking
[F]oh I pray [G]I’m not [C]alone


[F]When they told [G]me about [C]salvation (na na na)
[F]And I still t[G]hink they were w[C]rong (na na na)
[F]but as I s[G]tand here s[C]haking
[F]oh I pray [G]I’m not [C]alone
[F]yes I pray[G] I’m not[C] alone
Used chords