Cold chords

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Artist: Amorie

[Em] Can we
[Em] Talk about the truth
[Em] Clear the haze
W[Em]e’ve been living through
[Em] Closeness tends to make you go numb
[Em] But honesty goes soft on my tongue

[Cmaj7(13)] Drifting closer [D]to ins[Em]anity
Showing me your instab[D]ility
[Cmaj7(13)] Babe, you burned my palm[D]s to the t[Em]hird degree
When you needed me, you need me [Cmaj7(13)]

[Em] Can we

Talk about the lies
[Em] A masterpiece hidden in plain sight
[G] The bliss of ignorance always seems to pull me in
[Em] When you say you need my strawberry kiss again

[Cmaj7(13)] Drifting closer to th[D]e [Em]edge of this
Hanging off of our own prec[D]ipice
[Cmaj7(13)] Babe, you burned my tong[D]ue to the th[Em]ird degree

When you needed me, you need me

Slow, baby
This is what it’s like to be cold
Slow, baby
This is what it’s like to be cold

[Em] Can we

Talk about that night
[Em] Your stereo
As your dr[Em]ove off for the last time
[G] Looked me in the eye and told me you were just fine
[Em] While your face says you’d still kill to be mine

[Cmaj7(13)] Drifting closer to t[D]he [Em]end of this
Fading out of chemica[D]l madness
[Cmaj7(13)] Babe, I’ll burn your hear[D]t to the th[Em]ird degree

When you need me, you need me

Slow, baby
This is what it’s like to be cold
Slow, baby
This is what it’s like to be cold

[Cmaj7(13)] Drifting closer to t[D]he [Em]end of this
Fading out of chemica[D]l madness
[Cmaj7(13)] Babe, I’ll burn your hear[D]t to the th[Em]ird degree

When you need me, you need me

S[Cmaj7(13)]low, baby [D]
[Em] This is what it’s like to be cold
S[Cmaj7(13)]low, baby [D]
[Em] This is what it’s like to be cold
Used chords
More songs of Amorie artist