Clothes For Blankets chords

Trans. 0
[Bm] Cold wind prickles against his[G] skin
[Bm] Pennies dropping next to [G]him
[Bm] No place to go all on his [G]own
[Bm] Bitter taste no winter co[G]at

[D] [Bm] As the daylight slips away and the fo[G]otsteps die down [D]
[Bm] He's alone again [G]in this town

[D] Clothes for bl[A]ankets and meanwhile t[Bm]raffic is passing b[G]y
[D] The coffees c[A]old but the cafes cl[Bm]osed for the n[G]ight [A]
[D] Doorways for b[A]edrooms the night clubs he's n[Bm]ext to are opened up[G] [A]
[D] As the revellers say g[A]oodnight it get harder [Bm]every time
And the clothes for bl[A]ankets aren't en[G]ouN.C.
gh ton[Bm]ight

[Bm] Red eyes sinking f[G]ace
[Bm] No shoe to tie his l[G]ace
[Bm] His stomach is empty from nothing but the [G]ice and snow
[Bm] His mouths as dry as the cardboard he n[G]ow calls home

[D] [Bm] As the daylight slips away and the fo[G]otsteps die down [D]
[Bm] He's alone again [G]in this town

[D] Clothes for bl[A]ankets and meanwhile t[Bm]raffic is passing b[G]y
[D] The coffees c[A]old but the cafes cl[Bm]osed for the n[G]ight [A]
[D] Doorways for b[A]edrooms the night clubs he's n[Bm]ext to are opened up[G] [A]
[D] As the revellers say g[A]oodnight it get harder [Bm]every time
And the clothes for bl[A]ankets aren't en[G]ough ton[Bm]ight

[Bm]Smoked filled lungs
Ch[A]apped L[G]ips
[G]Whisky odour
B[A]urnt c[Bm]igs
[Bm]Smoked filled lungs
Ch[A]apped L[G]ips
[G]Whisky odour
B[A]urnt c[Bm]igs
[Bm]Smoked filled lungs
Ch[A]apped L[G]ips
[G]Whisky odour
B[A]urnt c[Bm]igs
[Bm]Smoked filled lungs
Ch[A]apped L[G]ips
[G]Whisky odour
B[A]urnt c[Bm]igs

[D] Clothes for bl[A]ankets and meanwhile t[Bm]raffic is passing b[G]y
[D] The coffees c[A]old but the cafes cl[Bm]osed for the n[G]ight [A]
[D] Doorways for b[A]edrooms the night clubs he's n[Bm]ext to are opened up[G] [A]
[D] As the revellers say g[A]oodnight it get harder [Bm]every time
And the clothes for bl[A]ankets aren't en[G]ough ton[D]ight

[D]Clothes for b[A]lankets no longer t[Bm]raffic is passing b[G]y
[D]The coffees g[A]one and his issues lay [Bm]beside him
Once more o[G]nce a[A]gain no[D]w
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