Closer chords

Trans. 0

[Fmaj7] xxxxxxx [G] xxx [Cmaj7] xxxxxxx [C7] xxxx


[Fmaj7]What’sx your favorite song
I’ll p[G]layx it for you on guitar and
Sing i[Cmaj7]txxxxxx for you when you’re blue,
Add some sh[C7]adesx of green to match the mood, oh

[Fmaj7]Tellxxx me something good
I l[G]ovex that you’re an open book
And w[Cmaj7]henxxxx you talk I gotta smile
Haven’t f[C7]eltx like this for a while


[G]Ixx could hide what I want, but imma [Cmaj7] xxxxxxx show ya
[C7]It’sx a shot in the dark, I’ll still aim [Fmaj7] forxxxx ya
Oh if y[G]ou'rex in the mood
Why don’t you get a little cl[Cmaj7]oserxxx


[Fmaj7]Ixxxxxx don’t wanna rush
But I’m just tr[G]yingx to be upfront
Saying th[Cmaj7]ingsxxx that I’ll regret
Yeah I kn[C7]owxx my cheeks are turning red


Getting c[Fmaj7]loserxx
[G]Ixx could hide what I want, but imma [Cmaj7] showxxx ya
[C7]It’sx a shot in the dark, I’ll still aim f[Fmaj7]orxxxxx ya
[G]Ohx if you're in the mood
Why don’t you get a little c[Cmaj7]loserxx


[Fmaj7]Passingx all the stop signs
[G]You’rex the only green light
[Cmaj7]Youxxxx could be my sunrise
[C7]Afterx every long night

[Fmaj7]Passingx all the stop signs
[G]You’rex the only green light
[Cmaj7]Youxxxx could be my sunrise
[C7]Afterx every long night


[G]Ixx could hide what I want, but imma s[Cmaj7]howxxxx ya
[C7]It’sx a shot in the dark, I’ll still aim f[Fmaj7]orxxxxx ya
Oh if yo[G]u'rex in the mood
Why don’t you get a little c[Cmaj7]loserxx

Fmaj7, G, Cmaj7, C7
Used chords
Fmaj7 X
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❮    Position    ❯
❮    Tone    ❯
Cmaj7 X
❮    Position    ❯
❮    Tone    ❯
C7 X
❮    Position    ❯
❮    Tone    ❯
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