Cearcal A Chuain chords

Trans. 0
Intro: (Listen to get the timing right)

[E] xxx , [A] xxx , [E] xxx , [B] xxx , [E] xxx x 2

Tha sinn u[E]ilex air [C#m] cuanx
Stiureadh c[A]uairtx troimh ar b[E]eathax
A' s[C#m]eoladhx geola d[G#m]horchx
Air c[F#m]hallx an greim na m[B]arax
Tha a'gh[E]aothx air ar [C#m] culxx
Tha a' g[A]heolx a' cumail r[E]oimhpex
'S cha dean [C#m] uairx no an c[G#m]uanxx
Tonaisgh d[B]huinnx no r[E]ianx

[Play Intro]

A' mhuir tha i ciuin
Tha i fiadhaich tha i farsainn
Tha i alainn tha i diamhair
Tha i gamhlasach is domhain
O ach sin tha sinn dall
'S chaneil againn ach beatha
Tog an seol, tog an ramh
Gus an fhaigh sinn astar ann

Ach tha mi'n duil, tha mi'n duil
Nuair a bhios a' ghrian dol fodha
Chi iad mi a' stiuireadh 'n iar
Null a dh'Uibhist air a' chearcal
Cearcal a' chuain
Gu brath bidh i a' tionndadh
Leam gu machair geal an lar
Far an do thoisich an la


Gaelic Translation:

We are all on an ocean
Steering a course through life
Sailing a dark vessel
Lost in the grasp of the ocean
The wind is astern
The boat forging ahead
And time and the sea
Makes no sense to us at all

The sea is calm
It is wild, it is vast
It is beautiful, it is mysterious
It is vengeful and deep
O, but we, are blind
and all we have is life
Raise the sail, lift the oars
Til we get up speed

I intend, I do intend
when the sun is sinking down
To be seen steering a westerly course
On the ocean's cycle to Uist
O the ocean's cycle
Forever I'll be turning
To take me back to the pole machair in the west
Where the day has dawned
Used chords
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