Bring Us Back chords

Transpose 0
Artist: Bellarive
Capo 4
Intro: [Em7] [C] [G/B] [C] (3x)

[Em7]You didn't [C]
You didn't just take our sin[G/B] [C]
You fi[Em7]lled us [C]
You filled us up with Your righteousn[G/B]ess [C]


Yes, Your lov[Em7]e washed ov[C]er us, over us
With Your blo[G/B]od you co[C]vered us, covered us
Sent Your So[Em7]n as on[C]e of us
Now Your kingdom's h[G/B]ere [C]

[Em]Amaz[C]ing [G]grace
You've sh[G/B]own us Yo[C]ur mercy
You m[Em]ade [C]a w[G]ay
To bring us bac[G/B]k [C]
[C]To bring us back to You

Turn Around
[Em]Who[C]a,[G] [G/B]whoa[C] , [Em]who[C]a,[G] [G/B]whoa[C]

[Em7]Into You're the light we will [C]walk
[G]We will walk
[Em7]Yes, into the light we will [C]walk
[G]We will walk
God, i[Em7]nto the light we will w[C]alk
[G]We will walk
Your p[D]resence will lead us
I[Em7]nto the light we will w[C]alk
[G]We will walk [D]
Used chords