Blessing Of Glory chords
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Now the [C]light of [Am]Glory a[C]rises like the sun that [F]shines on [C]high;[G]
[Am]Now a waken into [Em]freedom, O re[C]vive you [F]spirits, O re[C]vive!
[Am]Wake the mountains and the [Em]valleys; bring a[F]live the [G]springs of the [C]earth.
Light the [C]world for[Am]ever with the [Em]light of [Am]your re[Em]birth.[G7]
Light the [F]world forev[C]er[Am] with the [F]Light of [G]your re-[C]birth. [G7]
We are c[C]alled to [Am]bring back the [C]glory to the life of [F]God a a[C]bove;[G]
Now the [Am]Lord in His [Em]greatness fills the [C]uni[F]verse with tender [C]love,
Ever [Am]seeking souls a[Em]wakened, ever [F]calling [G]them to be [C]free.
How [C]shall I at[Am]tend Him who is [Em]cal[Am]ling to [Em]me? [G7]
How shall [F]I attend [C]Him[Am] who is [F]cal[G]ling to [C]me? [G7]
From the [C]dark of [Am]death I a[C]waken and rejoice to [F]live in [C]grace;[G]
When the [Am]one who came to [Em]save me holds me [C]tender[F]ly in His em[C]brace;
I re[Am]joice to feel the [Em]comfort of the [F]love He [G]has for [C]me.
What a [C]blessing of [Am]Glory to re[Em]joice e[Am]ternal[Em]ly. [G7]
What a [F]blessing of [C]Glor[Am]y to re[F]joice e[G]ternal[C]ly. [G7]
Now He [C]lifts me [Am]up to em[C]brace me in the Blessing [F]that is [C]mine;[G]
What a [Am]blessing to re[Em]ceive Him in a [C]love so [F]tender and di[C]vine;
How can [Am]I return the [Em]blessing? Tho' in [F]all my [G]life I will [C]try.
I can [C]never stop [Am]feeling how un[Em]wor[Am]thy am [Em]I. [G7]
I can [F]never stop fee[C]lin[Am]g how un[F]wor[G]thy am [C]I.
Now the [C]light of [Am]Glory a[C]rises like the sun that [F]shines on [C]high;[G]
[Am]Now a waken into [Em]freedom, O re[C]vive you [F]spirits, O re[C]vive!
[Am]Wake the mountains and the [Em]valleys; bring a[F]live the [G]springs of the [C]earth.
Light the [C]world for[Am]ever with the [Em]light of [Am]your re[Em]birth.[G7]
Light the [F]world forev[C]er[Am] with the [F]Light of [G]your re-[C]birth. [G7]
We are c[C]alled to [Am]bring back the [C]glory to the life of [F]God a a[C]bove;[G]
Now the [Am]Lord in His [Em]greatness fills the [C]uni[F]verse with tender [C]love,
Ever [Am]seeking souls a[Em]wakened, ever [F]calling [G]them to be [C]free.
How [C]shall I at[Am]tend Him who is [Em]cal[Am]ling to [Em]me? [G7]
How shall [F]I attend [C]Him[Am] who is [F]cal[G]ling to [C]me? [G7]
From the [C]dark of [Am]death I a[C]waken and rejoice to [F]live in [C]grace;[G]
When the [Am]one who came to [Em]save me holds me [C]tender[F]ly in His em[C]brace;
I re[Am]joice to feel the [Em]comfort of the [F]love He [G]has for [C]me.
What a [C]blessing of [Am]Glory to re[Em]joice e[Am]ternal[Em]ly. [G7]
What a [F]blessing of [C]Glor[Am]y to re[F]joice e[G]ternal[C]ly. [G7]
Now He [C]lifts me [Am]up to em[C]brace me in the Blessing [F]that is [C]mine;[G]
What a [Am]blessing to re[Em]ceive Him in a [C]love so [F]tender and di[C]vine;
How can [Am]I return the [Em]blessing? Tho' in [F]all my [G]life I will [C]try.
I can [C]never stop [Am]feeling how un[Em]wor[Am]thy am [Em]I. [G7]
I can [F]never stop fee[C]lin[Am]g how un[F]wor[G]thy am [C]I.
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