Beyond The Rainbows End chords

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[A]I have gone from sight but I am [D]waiting
[A]waiting just beyond the rainbows [D]end
I'm [G]happy in this place that I have [D]come to
Be[A]cause I'm here with my forever [D]friend

Now [G]all your thoughts of me let them be [D]joyful
of [A]things we've done and happy times we've [D]shared
so [G]don't be sad dear ones because I've [D]left you
Please [A]laugh and talk of me as if I'm [D]there.

Just [A]look up in the sky I am the [D]sunshine
I'm the [A]mist that rises on a summers [D]morn
I'm the [G]gentle breeze that cools the autumn [D]evening
When the [A]birds sing in the tree's I am their [D]song

This [G]journey I have made one day you'll [D]make it
You [A]too will be with my forever [D]friend
It's [G]then once more that we will be [D]together
I'll [A]meet you just beyond the rainbows [D]end
It's [G]then once more that we will be [D]together
I'll [A]meet you just beyond the rainbows [D]end
Yes I'm [A]waiting just beyond the rainbows [G]en[A]d.[D]
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