Be With Me Lord chords

Trans. 0
[C]Be with me [Am]Lord I[F] cannot live w[C]ithout Thee
[C]I dare not try to take one s[F]tep al[G7]one
[C]I cannot [Am]bear the l[F]oads of life una[C]ided
[F]I need Thy s[C]trength [G7]to lean myself u[C]pon

[C]Be with me [Am]Lord, [F]no other gift [C]or blessing
[C]Thou couldst bestow, could w[F]ith th[G7]is one compare:
[C]A constan[Am]t sense of[F] thy abiding pre[C]sence,
[F]where'er I a[C]m to fee[G7]l that Thou art [C]near

[C]Be with me [Am]Lord a[F]nd then if dan[C]ger threatens
[C]When storms of trial burst a[F]bove m[G7]y head
[C]If lashin[Am]g seas lea[F]p everywhere abo[C]ut me
[F]They cannot [C]harm or [G7]make my heart af[C]raid

[C]Be with me [Am]Lord w[F]hen loneliness[C] o'er takes me
[C]When I must weep amid the fi[F]res of[G7] pain
[C]And when [Am]shall come[F] the hour of my [C]departure
[F]For world's [C]unknown [G7]oh Lord be with [C]me then
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