Along The Way chords

Transpose 0
Artist: Devotchka
Intro: [E] [B7]


[E]The gringos b[B7]lock the roads
I[E]nside your he[B7]ad
Are you s[E]leeping it [B7]off
when you're [E]not in your b[B7]ed?
You [E]pray in the dark[B7]ness
Let me w[E]alk in your l[B7]ight
Let me d[E]ie in my lo[B7]ver's arms
Let me l[E]ive through this n[B7]ight


[A]You are watching over my th[E]ree brave soldiers
I have n[A]ot forgotten
I will s[Am]end you


So [E]this is the c[B7]ity
So [E]this is prog[B7]ress?
How can s[E]omething so pre[B7]tty
beco[E]me such a m[B7]ess?
There is m[E]ore than this st[B7]eal and stone
More[E] than this flesh and[B7] bone
there is a [E]little piece of la[B7]nd in me
that [E]No other man can o[B7]wn

Repeat Chorus


Well s[E]hut my mo[B7]uth
I have n[E]othing to [B7]say
except, w[E]hat is this li[B7]fe?
with no l[E]ove along the wa[B7]y?
You k[E]now that I'm go[B7]od for it
You [E]know I can[B7] pay
We d[E]on't have to lo[E]ok for it
It is right [E]here [B7]
It's tod[E]ay [B7]

Then just Keep playing the E and B7 Chords
Used chords