A Tennessee Ocean chords

Transpose 0
D)/// (A)// (A7)/ (D

[D]There would be a Tennessee [G]Ocean
My [A]darling if I [A7]lost [D]you
There would be in this Tennessee [G]Ocean
All the [A]tears I'll cry [A7]over [D]you

[D]Last night I dreamed that you [A7]told me good- [D] -bye
And oh how this [A7]dream made me [D]cry [D7]
If [G]only a dream can [D]make me so blue
What would [E]happen if it [E7]ever came [A]true [A7]

There would [D]be a Tennessee [G]Ocean
All [A]filled with water [A7]so [D]blue
There would be in this Tennessee [G]Ocean
All the [A]tears that I've cried [A7]over [D]you
Used chords
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