1952 Vincent Black Lightning chords

Transpose 0
[C] [C] [F] [F]
[C] [C] [F] [F]

Said Red [C]Molly to James, "That's a fine motor[F]bike
A [F]girl could feel special on any such you [C]like"
Said [C]James to Red Molly, "My hat's off to y[F]ou
It's a V[F]incent Black Lightning 1952[C]"

"And I've [G]seen you at the corners and c[F]afes it s[C]eems
[G]Red hair and black leather, my [F]favorite color [C]scheme"
And he p[Dm]ulled her on be[F]hind
And [F]down to Knoxville they did [C]ride

Said J[C]ames to Red Molly, "Here's a ring for your right [F]hand
But [F]I'll tell you in earnest, I'm a dangerous [C]man
I've f[C]ought with the law since I was sevent[F]een
I [F]robbed many a man to get my Vincent machi[C]ne"

"Now I'm t[G]wenty one years, I [F]might make twenty t[C]wo
And I d[F]on't mind dying but for the l[C]ove of y[C]ou
And if [Dm]fate should break my s[F]tride [F]
Then I'll [F]give you my Vincent to [C]ride"

[C] [C] [F] [F]
[C] [C] [F] [F]

| [G] | [F] C|
| [G] | [F] C|
|Dm |F |
|F |F C|

"Come [C]down, come down, Red Molly", called Sergeant M[F]cRae
"For they've t[F]aken young James Adie for armed ro[C]bbery
Shotgun b[C]last hit his chest, left nothing i[F]nside
Come [F]down, Red Molly to his dying beds[C]ide"

When she c[G]ame to the hospital, there [F]wasn't much l[C]eft
He was r[G]unning out of road, he was [F]running out of b[C]reath
But he [Dm]smiled to see her c[F]ry [F]
Said, "I'll [F]give you my Vincent to [C]ride"

Said J[C]ames, "In my opinion, there's nothing in this w[F]orld
Beats a [F]52 Vincent and a red headed gi[C]rl
Now [C]Nortons and Indians and Greeves just won't d[F]o
Ah, they d[F]on't have a soul like a Vincent 5[C]2"

He r[G]eached for her hand and he s[F]lipped her the k[C]eys
Said he d[G]on't have any further u[F]se for t[C]hese
I see a[G]ngels on Ariel's in lea[F]ther and chr[C]ome
[G]Swooping down from heaven to c[F]arry me ho[G]me

And he [Dm]gave her one last kiss and [F]died [F]
And he gave her his Vincent to r[C]ide
Used chords