17 chords

Transpose 0
I'm at that [C#m]age where I am l[E]earning how to i[A]gnore all of my distractions.
I am lea[C#m]rning that there are c[E]onsequences f[A]or all of my actions.
I am [C#m]old enough to k[A]now but young e[E]nough to not c[B]are.
It's too e[C#m]arly to s[A]how but late en[E]ough to know its th[B]ere.

So I will [C#m]live for the moment for the f[E]irst time in my l[A]ife.
I will [C#m]tell you how I'm f[E]eeling and not just t[A]ell you I'm al[B]right.
I will [C#m]work for the fu[A]ture and not just w[E]ork for the e[B]nd.
I will [C#m]try to quit sm[A]oking I will t[E]ry to make am[B]ends but [E]
I have [C#m]time it se[A]ems [E]
to s[C#m]atisfy my ne[A]eds, [E]
to a[C#m]chieve my dr[A]eams.[E]
I'm o[E]nly 17 [A]
I'm o[E]nly 17 [A]
I'm o[E]nly 17 [A]
I'm o[E]nly 17.[A]
Used chords