Desmond Dekker chords & sheets

There are total 15 results.
[INTRO] [G#] [G#] [C#] [D#] x2 [VERSE 1] O oo[G#] sev[C#]en, [D#]O oo [G#]seven [C#] [D#]At ocean e[G#]leven [C#]And now[D#] rudeboys a go[G#] wail [C#]'Cause the[D#]m out of[G#] jail [C#]Rudeboy[D#]s cannot [G#]fail [C#]'Cause th[D#]em must get[G#] bail,[C#] oo o[D#] oo [CHORUS] [G#]Dem a...
[D#]Coomyah, Coomyah, Coomyah, [G#]Coomyah, Coomyah yeah-hey [D#]Coomyah, Coomyah to [A#]you-oooh. [D#]Coomyah, Coomyah, Coomyah, [G#]Coomyah, Coomyah yeah-hey [D#]Coomyah, Coomyah to [A#]you-oooh. Your [D#]can pop a leak and you [A#]burst your turpin-tile. [G#]Nobody's [A#]fault but yours. Your...
Intro: [C#] [F#] [G#] x2 Hey grand[C#]ma, I didn't [F#]mean to stay out [G#]late. Hey Grand[C#]ma, can't you [F#]see I got a [G#]date' Hey Grand[C#]ma, it's just a [F#]minute now after [G#]8. Hey Grand[C#]ma. [F#] [G#] [F#]I didn't do nothing wrong. I was just singing a song. [C#]Sweet...
Intro: [G#] [D#] [G#] [D#] x2 Mmmmm [G#]I believe, [D#]I believe, [G#]it all depends on [C#]what you believe, woah-[G#]woah [D#]now, I be[G#]lieve (I believe) it all [D#]depends on what you be[G#]li----[D#]eve. [G#]I believe, [D#]I believe, [G#]it all depends on [C#]what you believe,...
Capo 1 Intro: [A] [E] x2 We're having a [D]party, I hope you are [A]hearty We're having a [D]party, I hope you are [A]hearty Sing it to me, children [E]Rum-babaloo-bam-bam-bam-balooe[E7]y [E]Rum-babaloo-bam-bam, [E7]intensified [E]Rum-babaloo-bam-bam-bam-balooe[E7]y [E]Rum-babaloo-bam-bam Music...
[A]Get up in the morning, slaving for bread, sah, so that every [A7]mouth can be fed. [D]poor, [E]poor me, me-[A]Israelite. [F]Aa[G]h. #2. [A]Wife and kids, dem pack up and-a leave me. Darling, she said, I was [A7]yours to receive. [D]poor, [E]poor me, me-[A]Israelite. [C]Aa[D]h. #3. [A]Shirt dem...
[D]Take away a gun, [Em]take away a knife, [G]Give a little love, [C]save another [D]life. [D]Take away a man, [Em]hate upon his heart, [G]teach him how to love, [C]make a better [D]start. [D]Oh, oh, oh, I [Em]know It, [G]so, it [C]so-oo-[D]oo [D]Oh, oh, oh, I [Em]know It [G]so, it...
[Intro] 2x [A] [F#m7] [D] [E7] [CHORUS] [A] Keep a cool[F#m7] head ([D]Don't get [E7]excited) [A]Keep a cool [F#m7]head (I[D]f you are?[E7]) [A]Keep a cool [F#m7]head (D[D]on't get e[E7]xcited) [VERSE 1] [F#m]For in the darkness and [Bm]countryside [F#m]There is no place you ca[Bm]n hide,...
No matter [G#]what, [C#]people [G#]gonna say about me. No matter [G#]what they [C#]say, I'll [A#]go on doing my [D#]best. No matter [G#]what, [C#]people [G#]gonna say about [Fm]me. Cos [A#]I know, what they know. [D#]Knowing is the greatest thing of all. No matter [G#]what, [C#]people [G#]gonna...
Intro:[D#] [A#] [G#] [D#] x2 [D#]Everywhere I [A#]go there is [G#]always troubles and [D#]misery. [D#]Everywhere I [A#]go there is [G#]always troubles and [D#]misery. [D#]Everywhere I [A#]roam there is [G#]always troubles and [D#]misery. [D#]Everywhere, anywhere I [A#]go there is [G#]always...
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